It has been a strange winter for me. My shattered right leg is healing well, but my exercise consists of rehabilitation of my leg, not descending a mountain, skiing in deep powder snow. No skiing, no long walks, mainly housebound. A strange experience.
Many people have asked how I am doing. Not my physical health, but my mental health, my well being. Am I depressed, am I down, am I angry at the world, angry at God? The simple answer is that I am doing well, I am happy, I am working hard at exercising my broken leg so I will be ready for hiking season. I am not looking forward to the hard work of getting back in good physical shape, but on the other hand am looking forward to be able to start walking and getting into shape. My loving Lord has been so good to me through this time of healing. As I wrote in January, He placed the very best people around me right from the moment of my accident. He has sustained me. His Word is my constant joy. My family and friends have shown their love through their care for me. It sometimes takes a sudden stop to help us understand how fortunate we are in life and helps us appreciate all the Lord has given to us. God is good.
Whether times are easy or hard, good or bad, God is good. His loving presence is a comfort always. I have learned to allow Him to minister to me always and He will always bring joy into life. Struggles and hardship come upon us, but the one constant in my life is Jesus, His presence, His love, all that He brings to life. He is very good.