Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Links in a Chain

Yesterday a friend told me an interesting story.  A young man and woman were arguing on the beach.  In exasperation the young man called out to a stranger passing by them, “What colour are my girlfriends socks?”  The stranger replied to him, “It doesn’t matter what colour they are, if you don’t know Jesus you’re going to hell!”

The story is true.  What a crazy thing to say to someone asking a simple question.  What came over the stranger?  Why would he say that?  What did the stranger think he would achieve by saying such a thing?  Well in this case the young man began to think about what the person said, searched the Bible, became a Christian, went to seminary and became a pastor.  All because someone said, “It doesn’t matter what colour they are, if you don’t know Jesus you’re going to hell!”  I don’t know a lot about the story, but I am sure God was working in the heart of the young man, preparing him for the words he heard.  I am also sure God was working in the heart of the passing stranger and prompted him to give the answer he did.  God uses many things, a chain of people and events, as He works in our lives. If we choose to do so, we can look back and see Him at work in our life.  God also desires to use us as the links in the chain which leads someone else to know Jesus as their Saviour.

The question each of us faces every day is whether or not we will obey God.  Some don’t believe God exists, but that won’t stop God from working in their life.  Others believe but won’t put their faith in Him.  Many people choose to follow God, asking Jesus to be their only Saviour, their key to forgiveness for wrong and entrance to heaven.  A chain of events and people led to that decision.  Each day I, we, must decide whether or not we will be obedient and let Jesus use us as the links in the chain which will lead others to know Jesus.