A couple of weeks ago we attended our nephew’s wedding, a weekend event, a huge party. We have parties to celebrate wonderful things in our lives. We have birthday parties, New Year’s parties, even Christmas parties. We have parties to celebrate graduation, a new job, a promotion. People like parties.
Yesterday I was reading in the Bible about a huge party thrown by King David. It celebrated God and His goodness. David, the king, wrote a special song for the occasion. It was a huge event. Then I asked myself, how often do we have a party to celebrate Jesus? We sort of do at Christmas, although many of the Christmas parties I attend don’t say too much about Jesus. No, how often do we really celebrate God and His goodness? How often do we have all our friends over to celebrate the great things God has done for us? How often does the church have a huge party to celebrate Jesus and all He has done for them.
I think we need to party more, celebrate God more, get more excited about our Saviour. Other people celebrate the causes which are important to them, I think it is time for us to celebrate the One who is everything to us. Have a Jesus Party.