These are troubling times. We live in a pandemic and every day we hear numbers. They are numbers of infected people, numbers of people in hospital, numbers of people in intensive care, numbers of people who died today. Those are not just numbers. Those are people, sick people, lives lost. People. Friends. Family. You should be troubled. But you don’t have to be terrified. You can live in peace.
Around me I see so many people who are scared, upset, traumatized or angry. They are angry at COVID-19. They are angry that leaders can’t fix things. They are angry at the COVID regulations which are our leaders way of tyring to fix things. People are upset and they certainly are not living with peace within themselves. It is scary, and the older you are the scarier it is. But there is a promise of peace available to us. There is a way to live at peace in the midst of catastrophe. No, we don’t have to hide our head in the sand or shut our ears to the newscasts. God Himself promises us that He will bring us peace if we allow Him to do so. Jesus’ words to us are recorded in the Bible in the book of John,
“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this
world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”
I find myself at peace in these troubling times. Jesus is my peace. I have asked Him to come to me and live within me and have a relationship with me. The result is the peace He promised. Even though these are troubling times I have peace within me. You, too, can have this peace.
Monday, February 1, 2021
Troubling Times
Tuesday, January 5, 2021
Me, or Others?
A new year, a new beginning sort of, except many of last year’s problems are still with us. It is the BIG problem, COVID-19, which still captures our attention with daily news headlines. What really startles me are the actions of some Christians. Some don’t appear to be very Christian in their response to the needs and concerns of others.
The Bible teaches me to put the needs of others ahead of my own needs. I am taught to live in such a way as to help others rather than myself, and especially help them come to know Jesus. Around me I see fearful people, especially people my age and older. I listen to the government where I live telling me to wear a face covering whenever I am in a building with others and not to have people in my home unless they live with me. All this to stop the spread of a nasty virus and keep people feeling safe and secure. My response, as a Christian, is to put the needs of others ahead of any feelings I may have and do whatever I need to do to help others stay calm and stay safe. I wear a mask, I follow the laws, I obey my government leaders as the Bible directs me to do. I have had many people who are not Christians ask me if as a Christian I follow the laws and help keep others safe. What a glorious opportunity to share my faith as I explain that Jesus always wants us to put the needs of others ahead of our own because we truly love and care about them.
We just finished a difficult year, and most of this one won’t be much better. But it has given us a wonderful opportunity to demonstrate Jesus’ love as we put the needs of others ahead of our own. That is one of the characteristics which shows others that we are Christians. We live out our faith of love and concern for others.