Thursday, August 24, 2017

Eclipse - Revealing the Hidden Corona

A week ago we drove to Oregon to see the eclipse of the sun.  Lots of driving for a few days camping and a few minutes of indescribable excitement and beauty.  The moon slid in front of the sun, blocking it's rays so that only the sun's glowing corona was seen.  All the sun's brightness was blocked and we could stare at the corona, something normally hidden from us by the sun's brilliant glare.

In life, many things are seemingly hidden by bigger things going on around us.  We don't notice details that we should, they are lost in the "noise" of daily life.  It is difficult to see though the interference caused by our hectic lives.  Do I see the neighbour suffering a tragic loss of a loved one?  Do I see the single mom battling to stay afloat emotionally and financially so she can provide a normal life for her children?  Do I see multitudes of people who do not know Jesus and are missing out on the best of life?  These people, and many others, are lost in the busyness of our hectic life.  We often don't notice them.

The solar eclipse was incredible.  Once the sun's glare was blocked by the moon, we could see details that are normally invisible. Now I am thinking of all the things that Jesus can reveal to me when I take a step back, talk with Him and allow His Holy Spirit to teach me about the really important things in life, the things that are often hidden by my own hectic life.

1 comment:

  1. Right on, Gary! We true Yahshuah Followers do indeed "see through a glass darkly. Others no so much!
